

This blog has been around for five years! Although the layout has been changed, the content has essentially remained the same. I aimed to be genuine, transparent, and thought provoking while addressing important issues. This avenue to share my thoughts has brought me great pleasure. If you've read these posts, you know more about me and my heart than almost anyone I've met face-to-face. You know of my rants and idiosyncrasies, my sometimes harsh views and my highest aspirations for myself, love, and life. I thank you for sticking around. I thank you for visiting once five years ago. I thank you for visiting for the first time today! Gratitude all around!

2013 is here! This has already been an exciting year for me, and I seek to continue sharing my life and thoughts with the world. The journey is just beginning--sort of! This post is the 100th post of Life2YouandMe. I started writing this blog while finishing my undergraduate degree. I posted here through periods of unemployment and during dream jobs. I wrote my pain while I suffered heartbreak. I typed poetry to express my deepest loves. I posted when I started graduate school, and now I'm making changes as I move inches within graduation's reach. I gave of myself on this blog. I realized how important this outlet has been for me throughout the years as I made a few big changes. I'm starting 2013 and post 101 anew. I would like for this blog to be more psycho-educational. Most of my future posts will reflect upon my training and experience as a mental health counselor. The posts that I have left are my favorites. Please stick around and share with me. We will grow and learn!

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