
Van Life 30 Days: Building While Homeless

There's something humbling about yearning for a comfortable bed. I'm back at my parents' place for a few days, and I have been thanking God throughout the day because I had been looking forward to simply resting in a bed. Over the past month, I have been sleeping on the floor, couch, and cot. I have stayed with friends, family, and paid for two nights in a hotel after a few rough days of building out the van. I'm just pumped to have a solid bed for the next few nights. That and a readily available shower. (Maybe a full post about that alone!)

God has been revealing many things to me during this time. More than anything, I believe, He is showing me what it means to have Him above earthly treasures. I'm learning what it means to be a child of God, co-heir with Christ apart from material things. So much of my identity was/is attached to my career, net worth, luxury items, etc. I believe God has been asking me, "Who are you when it is all stripped away? What will be left standing after I return, looking for a return on my investment?" I want to address Him with confidence, and I know that I'm a journey so that I can answer these questions and please God with how I have used my resources and time for his kingdom and not my own.

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